Mach Rider takes place in the year 2112, and planet Earth has been invaded by evil forces driving vehicles known as Quadrunners. The player controls Mach Rider, who travels from sector to sector on a high-powered superbike, searching for survivors and destroying any enemies in their path.The game’s controls are somewhat more complex than other games at its time and require some extra skills. The left and right directions on the Control Pad steer Mach Rider and the A button accelerates. The B button fires Mach Rider’s machine gun which can be used to destroy enemies and obstacles on the road. The up and down buttons are used to shift gears. Mach Rider’s bike has four speeds and shifting to the fourth gear at high speed will grant the player in instant speed boost. Conversely, the player remaining in a higher gear while stopping results in a slower acceleration.


Plus Optional Shipping (see below)


All New GUSCADE Cabinets Include:

• New Cabinet
• New Buttons
• New Artwork
• New Marquee
• New Hardware
• New T-Molding

• New Speaker(s)
• New Control Panel
• New Surge Protector
• New Lock(s) & Key(s)
• New LED Light Fixture
• New Arcade LCD Monitor

• New Bezel (Plexi or Glass)
• New Switching Power Supply
• New Adjustable Leg Levelers (*exception of pedestal cabinets)
• New JAMMA (Wiring) Harness
• New Joystick(s), or Spinner(s) or Trackball(s)
• New Coin Door(s) / New Coin Mechs

• New LCD Monitors include a full one year manufacturer’s warranty.
• New games include a 90-Day limited warranty on all electronic components.

Delivery Options

FREE local Long Island NY Pick Up or optional white glove delivery to majority of the Northeast available for an additional fee. We can also ship games with our recommended carrier anywhere throughout the country! (Please contact us for details)

Most machines fit inside large SUVs, pickup trucks, or mini vans. Dimensions of most classic arcade machines are 70″ Height x 33″ Depth x 25″ width. Upon pickup or optional delivery service, ALL machines are shrink/stretch wrapped as well as all corners will get cardboard for added protection while in transit. Most machines weight is approximately 200lbs.


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